Humanity has been fighting against stereotypes since the fist more or less civilized communities begin to appear on this planet. However, this war doesn’t seem to end any time soon. Unfortunately, even in 2020, there are still people who believe in stereotypes. Needless to say that any stereotype can ruin someone’s lives. Stereotypes make us do things that we generally don’t want to do. Millions of people from all around the world can’t find romantic partners because of some stereotypes. Today we are going to share the top 3 stereotypes that don’t allow men and women to feel happy in romantic relationships.
Stereotypes about “real woman”
1. The real woman can only be happy if she has children
Of course, partly, this is true because we all want to create families and have children. However, if your life is focused only on this aspect, you can expect a number of rather unpleasant surprises ahead. The simplest example is that you may find yourself lonely when your children grow up. Also, women who only seek for children have problems when it comes to finding romantic partners because men don’t see them as interesting people.
2. The real woman must be neat
No, there is nothing bad in being neat, but this doesn’t have to be the main purpose of your existence. There is nothing bad if, sometimes, you don’t want to make your bed in the mornings, or wear the same t-shirt for three days or more. Of course, you should never neglect hygiene, but being neat is definitely not your primary goal. So, this doesn’t have to bother you if you are a girl, and this should never be the key thing that you expect from your future girlfriend if you are a man.
3. The real woman cannot be a careerist
Of course, while the glass ceiling and wage gape require further investigations and proof of existence. Nevertheless, there is one huge stereotype that definitely exists in your society. Even today, some people believe that women should never be careerists. According to this stereotype, the real woman would never focus on her career at the expense of her family. Surely, doing something at the expense of other things is not a very great idea, but your partner should never blame you for willing to build your own career.
Stereotypes about “real man”
1. The real man always wants sex
You are not a biological robot, and it is normal if sometimes you don’t want to have sex and simply want to go to sleep. Note, you must do something about your relationship if you don’t want to have sex with your partner at all. In every other case, there is nothing wrong with you. Sex is only one of many human needs, and there is nothing special in it.
2. The real man never cries
From childhood, we teach boys that crying is only for girls. Because of that, men sometimes can release tension and don’t know how to deal with their emotional pain. Note, crying helps us to release forever some negative feelings. When we cry, we admit to ourselves that we are sorry for ourselves or for other people. It is very important for everyone to realize their weaknesses and not to be able to show them sometimes.
3. Does not like smart women
According to this stereotype, men visit various websites to meet girls because they know that on those websites, girls mostly care about their appearance and not their intelligence. It goes without saying that online dating is popular among all social layers of people. Additionally, recent studies have shown that men put the female mind in first place among their priorities. In the second place, modern men put a woman’s ability to be a friend. Today, men don’t value women’s beauty as they did even ten years ago.