
What Is The Best Unsecured Loan For Bad Credit

According to leading UK lender NowLoan an increasing number of people from all age groups are affected by bad credit. Many of them still need to borrow money to finance essential purchases such as home appliances or a new car. Finding yourself in this situation is never easy. But, that does not mean you can't get access to finance when you need it. How To Obtain An Unsecured Loan It goes without saying that obtaining a loan without a good credit rating is challenging. Borrowers with low or bad credit often struggle to access loans at reasonable rates. For someone with bad credit, it is often tempting to borrow money from a doorstep lender or use an already overstretched credit card. Borrowing money from a doorstep lender is certainly one way of accessing cash quickly, but there ...

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Wilshire Quinn Capital Offering $10,000 Musical Arts Scholarship

California-based investment firm Wilshire Quinn Capital is offering a $10,000 Musical Arts scholarship to one qualified candidate enrolled in a U.S college or accredited university. The chosen applicant must have a demonstrated passion for music and be studying it as either a major or minor. The scholarship award will be used toward tuition. CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Wilshire Quinn, Christopher M. Garcia, created this scholarship because of his personal lifelong interest in music.  He recognized and understood the importance of music as an academic study and was enthusiastic to provide students with this opportunity. “Music is the universal language that has the unique power to unite us all. I feel compelled as both a music devotee and the leader of a company to merge th...

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